
Scripture Passage: Galatians 3:26-28

We wear clothes to cover our bodies for modesty and warmth. God can see right through any covering we have. He sees into our hearts. We need to be clothed with the Lord Jesus so when God looks at us He sees only Christ's righteousness. It is like a white robe that He puts on us. In Revelation 3:4-5 the people who walk with Him are clothed in white. Those who keep their robes clean will be accepted into Heaven. Jesus will declare that they are His followers.

1. Why do we wear clothes?
We wear them for modesty and warmth.
2. What does God see when He looks at us?
He looks right into our hearts.
3. What covering do we need for our hearts?
We need the righteousness of Jesus.

Memory verse: Romans 13:14
But let the Lord Jesus Christ take control of you, and don't think of ways to indulge your evil desires. (NLT)

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