What does it feel like to have God’s word for the first time?


Lady with Bible


A selection of quotes from people from around the world:

  • "Reading the scripture in another language is like eating a banana with the skin on. Now the scripture in my language is satisfying . . . like a sweet banana. I can't get enough of it!"
  • "The greatest gift this Christmas is that we will be able to hear the angels sing in Kigiryama. We will be able to adore God from our hearts in our language!"
  • "All these years I've thought I really understood the Bible. But this experience of checking the translation has shown me that there is heaps of stuff I've never known was there. It makes me feel like I have spent my life seeing the Bible by moonlight, as if I can see the shapes and shadows of things, but not the details of what is really there. Now, it is as if someone has turned a great big spotlight on the Scriptures, and for the first time in my life I can see clearly what is in the Bible."
  • 'We've seen missionaries before. They come, they build their houses, they do their work, and when their time comes, they go. They leave their houses behind as a reminder of themselves… Houses eventually fall down, but the Word of God remains forever.'"
  • 'It's not the word of white men--it's the Word of God.'

















Print this page and cut it up so there’s one quote on each strip. Give these to people before the service. Just before the Scripture reading say: “The Bible is God’s message of love for all the world – all nations, tribes, peoples and languages. After our reading we will hear a response from people around the world who have just received this great message in their own mother tongues.” After the reading have those with quotes stand and read them in turn. Finish by thanking God for our easy access to the whole Bible because we have it in our own language.

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